position de doctorant en philosophie de la médecine, dans le cadre du
projet ERC Starting Grant de Barbara Osimani (Université de Munich). 

Ceux qui souhaiteraient davantage d’informations peuvent me contacter.
Maël Lemoine lemoine@univ-tours.fr



The Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy and the Chair of Philosophy
of Science at the Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Study of
Religion at LMU Munich seek applications for one doctoral position in the
context of Dr. Barbara Osimani´s ERC Starting Grant project “The
Philosophy of Pharmacology: Safety, Statistical Standards, and Evidence


Starting Date: April 1, 2017


Application Deadline: December 8, 2016


For more information and details see: http://www.mcmp.philosophie.uni-muenchen.de/news/doc_fellow_pharmacology/index.html