List of Works
I. Editor
Of L’Hygiène de la Race.
Eugénisme médical et Hygiène raciale en Allemagne, edited collection
in 2 volumes, with Paul Weindling
(Oxford University, UK) and Peter Weingart (University of Bielefeld,
Germany), La Découverte, Paris;
vol. 1 (Preface Massin + text Paul Weindling) 1998.
II. Contributions to edited
raciale comme fondement de la Science politique: Vacher de Lapouge et l'échec
de l'«anthroposociologie» en France". In Cl. Blanckaert (ed.), Les
Politiques de l'Anthropologie. Discours et pratiques en France (1860-1940),
Paris, L'Harmattan, Collection "Histoire des Sciences Humaines",
2001, pp. 269-334.
"Stérilisation et
contrôle médico-étatique des naissances en Allemagne nazie (1933-1945). La mise
en pratique de l'Utopie biomédicale". In A. Giami & H. Leridon (ed.), Les
enjeux de la Stérilisation, INSERM, collection "Questions en Santé
Publique", Paris, 2000, pp.63-122.
"Anthropologie und Humangenetik im Nationalsozialismus, oder: Wie
schreiben deutsche Wissenschaftler ihre eigene Wissenschaftsgeschichte?", in
Heidrun Kaupen-Haas & Christian Saller (ed.), Wissenschaftlicher
Rassismus, Frankfurt/Main, Campus, 1999, pp.12-64
"From Virchow to Fischer: Physical Anthropology and ‘Modern Race
Theories‘ in Wilhelmine Germany (1890-1914)”. In G.W. Stocking (ed.), Volksgeist
as Method and Ethic: Essays on Boasian Ethnography and the German
Anthropological Tradition, coll. History of Anthropology, vol.8, Madison,
University of Wisconsin Press, 1996, pp. 79-154.
raciale et national-socialisme. Heurs et malheurs du paradigme de la
«race»". In J. Olff-Nathan (ed.), La science sous le Troisième Reich,
Paris, Seuil, 1993, pp.197-262. Translated in Japanese 1998. With contributions from
ten other American, German and French contributors (H. Mehrtens, M. Walker, Sh.
Weiss, etc.).
"Lutte des classes,
lutte des races". In: C. Blanckaert (ed.), Des sciences contre l’homme,
Paris, Autrement Publ. C°, "Sciences in Society" collection, 1993,
vol.1, pp. 127-143.
III. Journal articles
"La science nazie
et l'extermination des marginaux" + historical outlines of
"Eugenics" in L'Histoire, January 1998, n°217: pp. 52-59.
psychiatrique sous le IIIe Reich: la question de l'eugénisme", L'Information
Psychiatrique, October 1996 (72, 8): pp. 811-822.
"De l’anthropologie
physique libérale à la biologie raciale eugénico-nordiciste en Allemagne
(1870-1914). Virchow-Luschan-Fischer", Revue d’Allemagne, t.25,
n°3, Jully-Sept. 1993, pp.387-404.
"Le IIIe Reich :
une «biocratie»? Les nouvelles tendances de la recherche historiographique sur
le rôle des sciences bio-médicales. Orientation bibliographique. 1ère partie:
médecine et psychiatrie". In Bulletin de la Mission Historique
Française en Allemagne, n° 25, Dec. 1992, pp.53-78.
article is an extract of a 220 page annotated bibliography of some 150 books
and doctorate theses (+ a selection of articles) on "Nazi medicine",
combined with a quantitative analysis on the international level and historiographical
essay, of how (and by whom) the question has been historically treated in the
world from 1945 to 1992.
"De l’eugénisme à
l’euthanasie 1890-1945", La Recherche, Dec. 1990, pp.1563-1568. Translated into
Spanish: "Del eugenismo a la «Operaciòn eutanasia»: 1890-1945", in Mundo
Cientifico, n°110, Feb. 1991, pp.207-212.
Dictionary/Encyclopedia Entries
Dictionnaire des
oeuvres philosophiques, ed. J.-F.
Mattéi, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1992 (each, except Tönnies,
complete with biography and complete bibliography):
Social scientists:
Taine 1828-1893 (3 titles), pp. 2142-2145.
Ludwig Gumplowicz
1838-1909 (2 titles)*.
Sombart 1863-1941 (13 titles), pp. 2845-2855.
Tönnies 1855-1936 (1 title) *.
Michels 1876-1936 (1 title), pp. 2679-81.
Thurnwald 1869-1954 (1 title), pp. 2885-2887.
Veblen 1857-1929 (1 title) *.
Race Theoreticians:
Arthur de Gobineau 1806-1882 (1 title), pp. 1796-1797.
George Vacher de
Lapouge 1854-1936 (3 titles), pp.2898-2900.
Ammon 1842-1916 (1 title), p.2206.
Ludwig Woltmann 1871-1907
(2 titles), pp.2943-2944.
Houston Stewart
Chamberlain 1855-1927 (3 titles), pp.2323-2325.
Grant 1865-1937 (1 title), pp.2457-2458.
Günther 1891-1968 (2 titles), pp.2464-65.
Political Essayist:
Ernst Niekisch 1889-1967 (2 titles), pp. 2705-2707.
Dictionnaire du Darwinisme et de l'Évolution, P. Tort (ed.), Paris, PUF (1996):
Alfred Ploetz
(1860-1940), pp.3483-84.
Wilhelm Schallmayer
(1857-1919), pp.3785-86.
Modern Germany. An Encyclopedia of History, People and Culture,
1871-1990, ed. by D. K. Buse & J. Doerr, Garland Publishing Inc., New York
& London, 1998:
Anthropology (1870-1970)" (pp.31-33)
"Niekisch, Ernst
(1889-1967)" (pp. 712-713)
V. Work in progress, Articles in press
"Criminalité: la
solution Biomédicale".
On the biological theories of crime and the attempts to solve
"medically" the problem of crime, from the first US eugenic
sterilizations of criminals in 1907, through psychosurgery of the 1960's, up to
the "Violence initiative" program launched by the NIH in 1992.
"La question de
l'eugénisme aujourd'hui: les trois modèles".
Has eugenics come back in the 1980's through the backdoor of new medical
practices and genetic technologies? The question of eugenics today is tackled
through an international comparison: the "classic"
coercitive-collective model in Asia (China, Singapore, Taiwan); the neo-liberal
model of health (USA: private health insurance combined with genetic testing);
the Welfare-State model (Western Europe: national health insurance pays systematic
pre-natal screening). If the qualification of "eugenics" is quite
clear in the Asian case, can it be applied to what is going on in Europe and
Northern America? (or "What's in a name?")
"Les origines du Code de
Nuremberg et du «consentement éclairé»". 90-page manuscript.
"Was wurde in einem Rassenforschunginstitut im Nationalsozialismus
geforscht? Das KWI für Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik". In
D. Kaufmann & H.-W. Schmuhl (eds.), Rassenforschung im
Nationalsozialismus, Göttingen, Wallstein Verlag, forthcoming 2002.
"Mengele, Verschuer und Zwillingsforschung in NS-Deutschland" in
C. Sachse (ed.), Biowissenschaften und Menschenversuche an
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituten. Die Verbindung nach Auschwitz, forthcoming 2002.
"Eye and Hair Color Experiments between
Auschwitz and Dahlem: Mengele, Magnussen and the Biochemical Genetics of
Pigmentation". Will be submitted to the Bulletin for the History of
”The Genetics of Race: from Bastardforschung to
Phenogenetics of racial characteristics at the KWI for Anthropology, Human
Genetics and Eugenics”.
VI. Book reviews (selected list)
For GRADHIVA (Review for the history and archives of
- P. Weingart, J. Kroll, K. Bayertz, Rasse,
Blut und Gene. Geschichte der Eugenik in Deutschland, 1988 (n°9, 1991,
- B. Müller-Hill, Science nazie, science de mort (=Murderous
Science), 1989 (n°9, 1991, pp.116-118).
For Vingtième Siècle.
d’Histoire (XXth century history
- N. Frei (ed.), Medizin und Gesundheit in der
NS-Zeit, Munich, 1991, n°34, April-June 1992, pp. 217-219.
For La Revue
d'Allemagne (German history
review) 1998:
E. Conte & C. Essner, La Quête de la race, Hachette, 1995 (1998
[30/2]: 229-233).
For La Recherche (Scientific magazine):
- A. Harrington, Reenchanted
Science, Princeton UP, 1996 (May 1997).
Françoise Héritier
(ed.), De la Violence, Odile Jacob, 1996 (Sept. 1997).
For Bulletin of the History of Medicine :
H. Biesold, Crying Hands: Eugenics and Deaf People in Nazi Germany,
Gallaudet UP, 1999 (2001, vol.75, pp. 165-168).
VII - Lectures
& presentations
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris): 2 x 2 hours
colloquium to the seminar for post-graduate students of Prof. Jeanne
Favret-Saada, May and June 1991, on eugenics in Germany («New Trends of
Research on the History of Eugenics» and «Institutionalisation of German
Eugenics before 1933»).
CNRS (= Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Orléans : lecture on
«Eugenics, Genetics, Anthropology and Racism», in a cycle of 3 conferences
organized by Dr. M. Katouzian-Safadi, June 1991.
Institute of Anthropology at the University of Mainz: lecture (in
German) on «Rassenkunde und National-sozialismus : Anpassung oder Symbiose ?»,
Dec. 1991.
*idem : debate with questions-answers on the same subject for
students, Feb. 1992.
Robert Schumann University of Strasbourg, Centre d’Etudes Germaniques : paper on «From
Liberal physical Anthropology to therapeutic, Nordic-racist Racial Biology in
Germany (1870-1914). Virchow-Luschan-Fischer». In a historical meeting on «Humanism and Humanity in
German Political Thought for two centuries», organized by Prof. L. Dupeux,
13-14-15 May 1993.
CNRS & Société Française pour l’Histoire des Sciences de l’Homme, (SFHSH = French
Society for the History of Human Sciences) conference on "Jewish
Intellectuals, Eugenics and Zionist Theoreticians of a «Jewish Race» in Germany
(1900-1914)", in the meeting ”Race : Ideas and Practices in Sciences and in History,” organized by Prof. A. Ducros and Prof.
M. Panoff, 1-2 June 1993.
Centre for Historical Research of University Paris I & SFHSH, with the support of
Autrement publishing C°: paper on German eugenics, in a meeting on
"Eugenics in Europe, Yesterday and Today", sponsored by Autrement
publishing C° on January, 13th 1994 for the publication of the book Sciences
against Humanity.
Institute for Biology, University of Tübingen (Germany),
colloquium (in English) for post-graduate students on "Genetics, Eugenics,
Politics, and the birth of Biological Anthropology in Germany
(1890-1914)", organized on July 4th 1994 by Prof. Dr. Sperlich (chair of
population genetics) & PD Dr. Hirschmüller (Institute for the History of
Zentrum für Wissenschaft und Technikforschung, Graduate College,
Bielefeld University (Germany), colloquium for post-graduate students (in
English) on "The new problematics raised by the history of German
anthropology", organized on Feb. 2nd, 1995 by Prof. P. Weingart.
École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Centre Koyré for
the History of Sciences, Paris, colloquium on "The «scientific origins of
Nazism»: A Question for the history of sciences and for 20th century
history", seminar for post-graduate students, organized on March 17th,
1995 by ass. Prof. Claude Blanckaert.
Hospital Centre of Brumath (Alsace), paper on «German Psychiatry between
Eugenics and Euthanasia», in a French-German conference on «The Situation of
Mental Patients in 1939-1945» organized by the Association for Research about
Psychiatry in Alsace (APREPA) with the support of AFPP (French Association of
Psychiatrists in the Public Sector) on March 14th & 15th 1996.
Sciences, Technology, Society Centre of the CNAM (= Conservatoire
National des Arts et Métiers = institute of technology in Paris), lecture on
"Genetic Psychiatry as a Technology of Social Management, Germany 1930 -
USA 1990", 24 Feb. 1997, seminar for post-graduate students organized by
Prof. Jean-Jacques Salomon, director of the STS Centre of the CNAM.
University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, public lecture on
"Science, Ethics and Politics", on 28 March 1997, in a meeting
on "Science and Ideology", organized by J.-M. Brom, B. Escoubès, B.
Jourdant & J. Olff-Nathan.
University of Hamburg (Germany), Institute of Medicine Sociology, lecture on
"Anthropologie und Humangenetik im Nationalsozialismus oder: Wie schreiben
deutsche Wissenschaftler ihre eigene Wissenschaftsgeschichte?" ("How did
German Anthropologists and Human Geneticists write the history of their field
after the Third Reich?"), on June 19th, 1997, in a one-year lectures cycle
on "Humanbiologie im Blick der Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften",
organized by Prof. Heidrun Kaupen-Haas, director of the Institute for Sociology
of Medicine.
XIIth "Rencontres de Pétrarque" (annual public &
broadcast debate on a specific theme, in the old town of Montpellier),
organized by the public radio broadcast "France Culture" in
collaboration with the newspaper Le Monde, 15th-19th July 1997,
one of five contributors on the first day's program: "Should we trust
Union College (Schenectady, NY-State, USA), international colloquium on
"Science and Political Ideology", organized by Prof. Mark
Walker & Prof. Y. Rabkin (Montreal), from 16 to 20 August 1997.
University of Dijon, Gaston Bachelard Research Center on Imaginary and
Rationality, international meeting: "Eugenics after 1945, New Forms of an
Old Doctrine", organized by Prof. Jean Gayon, 22-23 Sept. 1997
(with D. Kevles / Cal Tech, E. Mendelsohn / Harvard, etc.). Conference on
"Eugenics Today?: Three Models" (Authoritarian-Collective / China,
Singapore, Taiwan; Welfare State / Europe; Neo-Liberal / USA).
INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale), U 292
"Public Health - Epidemiology - Human Reproduction", Scientific
seminar on "Sterilization and Birth Control: Freedom or Restraint?",
9-10 January 1998. Conference on "Eugenic Sterilization in Germany: from
Debate to the Making of a biomedical Utopia (1900-1945)".
France-Culture (Public Broadcast Radio), interview "The Book of
the week", by journalist A. Mercier (on the book "L'Hygiène de la
Race"), 14th Feb. 1998.
18th "Salon du Livre" (French Book-Fair in Paris), conference &
public debate on "Psychiatry and Medicine before WW2: Horror or
Felicity?", 24 March 1998, with Jan Goldstein (Univ. Chicago & author
of Consoling and Classifying) and Alain Rubens (journalist, author of a
biography on the French psychiatrist Clérambaud), organized by "Institut
Synthélabo pour le Progrès de la Connaissance" (Foundation of a French
pharmaceutical firm).
Alexandre Koyré Centre (EHESS) & SFHSH, meeting on "Social Uses
of Anthropological Science. Practices and Applications in France
(1859-1940)", 27-28 March 1998, organized by Cl. Blanckaert, contribution
on "The Crossed Reception of Vacher de Lapouge's Theories: France -
Oxford Centre for Hebrew & Jewish Studies, international
meeting on "Jews and the Social and Biological Sciences", organized
by Prof. Mitchell Hart, Florida International University & Dr. David
Rechter, Oxford Centre for Hebrew & Jewish Studies; paper on "Biology
as Ethics: Advocates of Racial Biology, Eugenics and Kriminalbiologie
among Central European Jewish scientists before WW1 (1900-1914)", 3-5th
August 1998. Trip canceled.
4th Fall University of the (French) League for Human Rights on Fleas (=
Chips), Mices, and Men [in French a computer chip is called a
"Flea"]. Sciences, Technology and Human Rights, 7-8 November
1998 (with geneticist A. Kahn, human geneticist S. Aymé, specialist of
medically assisted procreation R. Frydman, etc.), "Eugenics as the Utopia
of a Perfect World", Paris.
International Meeting
organized by Centro di Documentazione di Storia della Psichiatria, about Il Sapere e la Vergogna. Psichiatria,
Scienze, Cultura Nelle Leggi Razziali del 1938, "Crimes and Medical
Violences of German Psychiatry under the Third Reich", Reggio Emilia
(Italy), 20-21 November 1998.Medical Faculty Necker- Enfants Malades, Laboratoire
d'Éthique Médicale et de Santé Publique, Paris, lecture on 24th avril 1999
on "Les atteintes à l'intégrité de la personne - le cas de la médecine
sous le nazisme" for the seminar organized by Prof. Christian Hervé.
Medical Faculty, University of Lyon-Claude Bernard, lecture in the
context of the class of "Human & Social Sciences" for medical
& pharmaceutical students, 17th & 18th March 1999, "Nazi Eugenic
Policy and its Victims" (audience of 650 undergraduate students) &
"The Role of Psychiatry in Nazi Medical Crimes and Violences"
(seminar for graduate students), organized by ass. Prof. Jérôme Goffette.
Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science, Boston
University, Center for Philosophy and History of Science, on May 9-10th
1999, "Successes and Failures in the Nazification of the Content of
Science", for an international meeting on «Science without Freedom in the
Twentieth Century» organized by Prof. A. Tauber (BU) & Prof. Y. Rabkin
Meeting "Les Procès médicaux en France et en Allemagne,
1929-1997" ("Medical Trials in France and Germany, from the Lübeck
trial 1929 up to the AIDS "contaminated blood" trial, through the
Nuremberg Medical Trial). Centre
Européen d'Histoire de la Médecine -
European Center for the History of Medicine, Strasbourg, European Association
for the History of Medicine and Health & Institut de Recherche
Interdisciplinaire sur les Sciences et les Techniques / Université Louis
Pasteur, Strasbourg. Paper on "The French perspective on German
biomedical research in the Nazi time". And Commentator for the session
"From Lübeck to Nuremberg" (V. Roelke, A. Frewer, P. Weindling). 19-20
November 1999. Organisator: Ass. Prof. C. Bonah.
Workshop on "Rassenforschung im Nationalsozialismus. Konzepte und
wissenschaftliche Praxis unter dem Dach der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft"
of the research program "Geschichte der KWG im Nationalsozialismus",
at the MPI for the History of Science, Berlin, 3-4th Dec. 1999. Paper
presented on "Racial, Human Genetics and Eugenics Research at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institute
für Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik in the Third Reich. An introductive
Overview". Organizers: Prof. D. Kaufmann & Ass. Prof. H.-W. Schmuhl.
EHESS, Paris, presentation on "Le pouvoir biomédical dans l'Allemagne
nazie" ("The Biomedical Power in Nazi Germany") for the
interdisciplinary seminar "Biology and Society" organized by Cl. Cohen
& H. Atlan. 10 April 2000.
Paris-V Université R.
Descartes, Conférences de Philosophie
et d'Histoire de la Médecine, Chaire d'Histoire de la Médecine, Prof. R.
Zittoun. Lecture on "Anthropologie Raciale et Nazisme", 18. April 2000.
France Inter, "Alter Ego", National Radio broadcast
debate with the geneticist Axel Kahn and the historian of biology André Pichot,
May 2nd, 2000.
University Paris
VII-Denis Diderot (Jussieu),
international meeting "Transmission des savoirs et responsabilités des
Universités. Nazisme, Vichy, conflits coloniaux et ethniques", "paper
on "Bilan de l'Histoire: Comment les historiens ont vu le rôle des
sciences biomédicales sous le nazisme (1945-2000)?", 27-28 October 2000.
"10e journée
d'Éthique Médicale Maurice Rapin"
(annual meeting on medical ethics for medical doctors organized by Institut
Maurice Rapin with Medicom and sponsored by pharmaceutical company Pfizer), on
"Droit à la connaissance, respect des personnes et recherche
clinique" (the question of informed consent in clinical research), Paris,
with M-A. Hermitte (health Law), A. Fagot-Largeaut (philosophy and history of
medicine), F. Wells (Chairman, Ethical Issues Committee of Royal Colleges of
Physicians of the UK, D. Sicard, Chairman of the French Comité Consultatif
National d'Éthique, etc.), lecture on "Le contexte historique et médical
du Code de Nuremberg", 17-18 November 2000
Double lecture with
discussion (= 2 x 1h30) "La Biopolitique Nazie (1933-1945)" for the Amicale
des Déportés d'Auschwitz et des Camps de Haute-Silésie and the Association
des Professeurs d'Histoire-Géographie in the context of the meeting
"De l'eugénisme à la Shoah", organized in Paris, on December, 16th,
Centre Cavaillès,
École Normale Supérieure (Rue d‘Ulm),
paper on "La photographie raciale en Allemage nazie : entre saisie de
"l'âme raciale", technique identificatrice et iconographie
politique”, at a conference on "Physiognomonie”, organized by Nadeije
Laneyrie-Dagen with historians of arts and historians of science (including
John van Wihe, Cambridge, and Martin Porter, Oxford / Florence), 17th March
Lecture for the Association
Française de Criminologie in Paris: "De l'hérédité du crime aux
solutions eugénistes à la criminalité: comparaison France-Allemagne", 20th
March 2001.
21st Annual Holocaust Conference, "Nazi Science and the
Holocaust", Millersville University (PA), USA, April 22-23, 2001, Paper on
"Fingerprinting race. Dermatoglyphics and the search for race in Nazi
«race science»", 22-23 April 2001. Trip cancelled.
Presidential Commission of the Max Planck Society "History of the
Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism", international
meeting, with twin survivors from Auschwitz, "Biowissenschaften und
Menschenversuche an Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituten. Die Verbindung nach
Auschwitz" (Biomedical Sciences and Human Experiments at Kaiser Wilhelm
Institutes - The Auschwitz Connection), organized by Carola Sachse, Paper on
"Verschuer, Mengele, Twin Research and the Auschwitz-Dahlem
Connection", 7-8 June 2001.
Fondation Auschwitz, Bruxelles (Belgium), co-organization
with Prof Frühling of a 2-days Seminar on "Les Sciences sous le IIIe
Reich" under the responsability of director Y. Thanassekos. With 2 lectures: "Les sciences sous le IIIe
Reich" and "La science raciale nazie". 16-17 Novembre 2001.
Presidential Commission of the Max Planck Society "History of the
Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National Socialism", public lecture on
"Rassenforschung: Was war das? Das KWI für Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und
Eugenik im «Dritten Reich»", Wissenschaftsforum, Berlin, 29th November
VIII. Translations
translations from English or German to French, including translation of
articles in the history and sociology of science and medicine.
For example from
English to French:
C. Lyell, "De la présence d'objets fabriqués par
l'homme dans des dépôts post-pliocènes", in N. Richard (ed.), L'invention
de la préhistoire: une anthologie, Presse Pocket, 1992, pp.85-92.
M. Gane, "Le normal et la pathologique",
pp.185-206, in M. Borlandi & L. Mucchielli (éd.), La sociologie et sa
méthode. Les Règles de Dukheim un siècle après, Harmattan, Histoire des
sciences humaines, 1995.
Michael Lynch, Ruth McNally & Patrick Daly,
"La science au tribunal: De la science des cours princières à l'expertise
scientifique automatisée des tribunaux", La Recherche, July-August
For example from
German to French:
Unpaid voluntary
translation (from German to French) of the presentation booklet of the Hadamar
Memorial (psychiatric centre where
more than 10 000 mentally ill and handicapped people have been subjected to
”euthanasia” in Nazi Germany) (1993).
IX. Non-historical
Publications & Reports
05 1985 : Report
for ISG (Business school), on the potential market for private TV Stations in
France with comparison of public TV and private TV costs.
06 1986 : Report
(in English) for ISG (Business school) on Japanese TV; used by the ”Perrin
Report” (on Sponsorship by private companies) for the Prime Minister.
10 1986 :
Article on "News on Japanese TV" in: Les Dossiers de l’audiovisuel (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel -
La Documentation Française [= French Government Publication Agency]), January /
Feb. 1987, pp.56-58.
01 1997: Following
a claim at the UNESCO meeting on the 50th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trial of
Doctors (Dec. 1996), about French military archives concerning Nazi scientists
which are not open to historians before the year 2045, presentation of a Report
about these archives as well as about the unfortunate lacking of Institutes for
the History, Sociology and Ethics of Medicine in France to the Health Minister
Hervé Gaymard.
IX. Historical
Co-author with
Carola Sachse, head of the Research Group of the Presidential Commission of the
Max Planck Society "History of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society under
National-Socialism", of the Report: Biowissenschaftliche Forschung an
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Instituten und die Verbrechen des NS-Regimes. Informationen über
den gegenwärtigen Wissensstand, (= Biomedical Research at Kaiser Wilhelm
Institutes and the Crimes of the Nazi
Regime) published as Ergebnisse. Vorabdrucke aus dem Forschungsprogramm
"Geschichte der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft im Nationalsozialismus",
Heft 3, Berlin 2000, and on internet. Oct. 2000)
This report synthesized all published information concerning the
involvement in criminal research and / or Nazi elimination policy by biomedical
scientists of four research institutes (KWI for Anthropology, Human genetics
and Eugenics, KWI for Psychiatry, KWI for Brain Research, KWI for Biochemistry)
of the previous Kaiser Wilhelm Society under National-Socialism. It was
intended to settle a controversy between the Max Planck Society and some of his
critics concerning the level of present knowledge or lack of knowledge about
the responsibility of KWG scientists. Widely commented in the German press. It
contributed to the decision of the President of the Max Planck Society to
apologize publicly in June 2001 in front of twins, survivors of Auschwitz, for
what had been committed by former institute directors and scientists of the